Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How The Cage Can Be Treated For Adults And Adolescents...

alcohol in the morning to elude withdrawal and to steady their nerves (Aertgeerts, et al., 2004). These transitional questions, in spite of missing discriminative value, are beneficial for familiarizing the subject, as well as making the consultation less threatening (Aertgeerts, et al., 2004). Item responses are scored zero to one, with a higher score a suggestion of alcohol problems. The total score can range from zero to four (Aertgeerts, et al., 2004). This screening apparatus is simply administered and scored and can often times be committed to memory. The CAGE can be used in general medical populations in a primary care setting and be administered at no cost to adults and adolescents over the age of 16 (Aertgeerts, et al., 2004). It has been distinguished that the CAGE takes less than one minute to manage and score. However, it does not screen for drug-related difficulties (Aertgeerts, et al., 2004). The CAGE has been used in numerous cultures worldwide, but often vigilan t rendition is essential to maintain accurateness (Aertgeerts, et al., 2004). However, the CAGE presented with inferior performance than the AUDIT in recognizing alcohol use disorders amongst African American men, white women, and Mexican American patients (Bradley, et al., 2007). The CAGE has been found to perform poorly in younger age groups. Some propose that this is for the reason that the items may be less pertinent to adolescent populations, such as morning

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